theater / theatre
Locatie-specifiek theater kan politiek zijn, zonder per se spektaculair te zijn, en toch grotesk als een opera.
Site-specific theatre could be political, anti-spectacle, in an operatic grotesque way.
My work has previously been described as a mix of the works by Joseph Beuys and Roald Dahl (Fritz Brantley, East Bay Express, 2005, vol 27), I hope to be able to enrich this with the more contemporary ideas of Erin Manning and Bruno to create science fiction that ‘like all serious fiction, however funny, is a way of trying to describe what is in fact going on, what people actually do and feel, how people relate to everything else in this vast sack, this belly of the universe, this womb of things to be and tomb of things that were, this unending story’ (Ursula Le Guin, The carrier bag of fiction, p.154).
Aangezien ik vaak draagbare residenties gebruik als een hulpmiddel, en mijn werk beschouwd kan worden als site-generiek, reizend en verplaatsbaar, is het mobiele karakter van mijn werk een overbrugging tussen disciplines, sociale verschillen en verschillende landschappen.
As I often use portable residencies as a tool, and my work can be considered as site-generic, roaming and itinerate, the mobile character of my work is an act of bridging between disciplines, social differences and various landscapes.