Henry Alles, some ideas, experience and statements

Ik veroorzaak wel eens iets maar niets van wat ik doe kan zonder anderen./ I do cause things but nothing I do is possible without others. Als het over mij gaat gaat het dus juist ook over anderen./ When it’s about me, it’s about others. Samen het zelf doen./ Do it yourself together!

Presentation at Art Rotterdam 2024

‘Overall, Henry Alles emerges as an artist who is not confined by traditional artistic boundaries but rather embraces a holistic approach to creativity, seeking to engage audiences and provoke thought through his diverse body of work’. (OpenAI’s language model, based on GPT-3.5 architecture.)

Altijd ter plekke en altijd betrokken. Met de wereld! Daarom begon ik ook Stichting Proef me, omdat zonder het werk van Elles Kiers een heleboel helemaal niet op deze manier gebeurd. Geen enkel idee is mijn idee, elk idee is een samenkomen van delen. / Always on site and always involved. With the world! That is why we started the Proef me Foundation, because without the work of Elles Kiers a lot of things would not happen in this way at all. No idea is my idea, every idea is a coming together of parts.

I am theatremaker and visual artist as well as builder and initiator of artist-in-residencies. But never without others, it is always with others, with the world and with the site. / Een master in Theater en een bachelor Milieukunde, een technische en muzikale achtergrond, en jarenlang kernlid geweest van de PeerGrouP. Oprichter van platform Landscape Labs en toch steeds opnieuw het wiel willen uitvinden als zelfbenoemd medewerker van wat dan ook 🙂 / Trained as master in theatre practices and holding a bachelor in environmental engineering is magical. Plus that from 2004 until 2014 I was the self-appointed co-operator of the PeerGrouP, the Dutch site-specific working socially engaged theatre group.

All these experience created a network of international artists, scholars, writers and organisations. I used to even call myself curator, but in all honesty I am just an artist that took some initiative but never without others.

International working experience:

  • Greece, Russia, Denmark, UK, USA, Poland, Czech Rep., Germany, Romania, Sweden and Belgium.

Some examples of work:

I think every project should also be a school, a library and a workshop. And treat every site as a crime-scene, excavation and a theatre.